At a Glance
The park is day-use only, open year-round, with services from April 3 to October 25.
There are no facilities at this park for camping, and campfires are not permitted. Camping is available at the nearby Kekuli Bay Provincial Park.
Jade Bay, Juniper Bay, Pet Beach, Cosens Bay (see map)
Bears & Cougars
Visitors should be aware that bears inhabit the park. Cougars are also occasionally present in the park.
Cliff diving is extremely hazardous. Projecting rock shelves and debris are often hidden just below the surface. There have been fatalities!
An area has been developed by climbing and bouldering enthusiasts. Take Cosens Bay Road through the park to the Climbers Parking Lot and then walk the marked trail.
Dogs are not allowed in the beach areas, except at the Pet Beach and in the designated area at the eastern end of Cosens beach (see map). They must be on leash and under control in all other areas of the park.
Dogs & Wildlife
A rattlesnake bite can be fatal for a dog. Keep your dog on a leash to reduce the possibility of an encounter with wildlife.
There are five parking areas available for use.
Jade & Juniper Bay/Twin Bays/Yellow Gate - from the main park entrance off Kidston Road
Red gate - on Kidston Road - NO PARKING on the road!
Cosens Bay - on Cosens Bay Road, south of Coldstream Creek Road - NO PARKING on road past gate!
Water Tower Gate - limited roadside parking at the corner of Cunliffe Road and Palfrey Drive
Climbers Lot - on Cosens Bay Road, in the southeast portion of the park, a trail leads to a climbing area
Poison Ivy
This native plant grows in several locations within the park. Avoid contact with all parts of the plant, in all seasons. Note: Poison Ivy is present at the Pet Beach.
This area provides habitat for a variety of snakes, including rattlesnakes. Avoid walking in the long grass and putting hands and feet into crevices that you can’t see into. People who encounter rattlesnakes along trails should detour around them and go on their way. Rattlesnakes will not chase after people and cannot strike beyond the length of their body.
Summer Use
Carry water. Wear a hat and sun block. Don't over-exert! Tinder dry conditions pose a high risk of wildfires. Campfires and smoking are not permitted anywhere in the park.
There are many trails in the park. Some are in areas where only walking and hiking are allowed. In biking areas, some trails are shared, while others have been built specifically for mountain biking. Horse riding is also permitted in some areas. Refer to the park brochure and maps. Please stay on marked to trails to limit encounters with wildlife and to avoid damaging sensitive plants.
Winter Use
Trails can be icy in the late Winter and early Spring. Compacted snow turns to ice and is the last to melt. "Grippers" or cleats for your boots and hiking poles are recommended.
A Word of Caution
The Cosens Bay area was used during WWII as a live firing range. Unexploded Explosive Ordnance (UXO) devices are still sometimes found in the park. If you do find anything suspicious, notify the police immediately.
Do not touch! It could explode.

Reporting issues
Report forest fires in BC: *5555
Report maintenance and compliance issues (May — October) : (250) 548-0076
Alternatively, contact BC Parks: (250) 490-8200
For issues concerning wildlife, call Conservation Officer Hotline: 1-877-952-7277